Energy Efficient , Lahirumal Bricks saves energy. The air bubbles trapped in Lahirumal Bricks give it thermal insulation properties many times better than conventional concrete or brick.
Insect proof,No insect can penetrate the wall due to its interlocking and high compression features.
Earthquake Resistant, Because of its interlocking nature, walls will not crumble and crack when under pressure.
Excellent Acoustic Barrier, Lahirumal Bricks possess an excellent sound reduction capacity and will meet Building Code requirements
Fire Proof Excellent Acoustic Barrier, Brick or cement walls catch fire due to plastering and painting. Lahirumal Bricks walls do not need plastering and thus are completely fire proof.
Temperature Control, Lahirumal Bricks has excellent thermal properties. It works as an excellent insulator by not conducting or transmitting out side heat in to the house. Thus it? cool exceptionally.
Cost Effective,Lahirumal Bricks saves time and money spent on building. Also, as there is no requirement for plastering, the entire plastering cost is saved.
Comfortable,Lahirumal Bricks buildings create the most comfortable natural living conditions for any climate.
Fire Resistant , Lahirumal Bricks is inorganic and totally incombustible, providing approximately twice the protection of normal concrete
Sound SuppressingFire Resistant,Lahirumal Bricks walls are highly compressed earth. Practically they shield the house from all outside noises.
Environment-Friendly,Lahirumal Bricks does not contain any toxic substances. Use of cement, sand, steel and energy in construction is significantly reduced.
This is time to make your own House with .
The revolutionary building material that keeps your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Save energy and money while helping to save the earth. Your feedback is important to us Please Contact Us